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how can i drop domestic violence Domestic Violence

How Can I Drop a Domestic Violence No Contact Order?

Hi I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC and here in Vancouver, Washington where I practice criminal defense and dui defense, today I’d like to answer a question that I often receive from clients and prospective clients. Which is, how can I drop a domestic violence no contact order? Well, in Washington it pays to […]

domestic violence gavel Domestic Violence

Plaintiff’s Legal Responsibilities in a Domestic Abuse Case

For victims suffering from domestic abuse, removing themselves from the situation can be challenging enough. When victims decide to pursue legal recourse against their abuser, they undertake some legal responsibilities in the domestic abuse case. What Qualifies As Domestic Abuse? Depending on the plaintiff’s relationship with the accused, the type of charges and responsibilities that […]

domestic violence law picture Domestic Violence

Tactics Used by Prosecutors in Domestic Violence Cases

In domestic violence cases, child custody, eviction, and jail time are at stake. Approximately 1.3 million women are a victim of domestic violence from their intimate partner each year. What Is Domestic Violence? Before understanding how prosecutors will approach a domestic violence case, it’s important to understand what domestic violence encompasses. Domestic violence is a […]

couple domestic violence Domestic Violence

Information You Need to Mount Your Defense Against a Domestic Abuse Charge

Information You Need to Mount Your Defense Against a Domestic Abuse Charge Being wrongfully accused of domestic abuse can alter your entire life and feel overwhelming. Hiring an experienced lawyer right away can help you gather evidence to defend yourself against a domestic abuse charge. What Happens When Someone Is Charged With Domestic Abuse? If […]

couple domestic violence Domestic Violence

Defenses Against Domestic Violence Charges

Being falsely accused of domestic violence can turn your entire life upside down. Preparing a defense against domestic violence charges will require a strong legal strategy, so contact a criminal defense lawyer fluent in Washington State law right away. What Is Considered Domestic Violence In Washington State? Before you and your criminal defense lawyer build […]

one type of domestic violence Domestic Violence

Domestic Violence Types in Washington State

Domestic violence encaptures more than a partner hitting a family member or spouse. The term domestic violence covers a broad range of violent acts in Washington State. Understanding what it coves, will help you understand if you have been a victim of domestic violence or if you’re being accused of it. Who Can Commit Domestic […]

protective order Domestic Violence

Mistakes That Can Cause You to Break a Protective Order

If you have been served a protective order, you must understand the guidelines you must adhere to. As the punishment for making a mistake and breaking a protective order can often be more severe than what you were first accused of. Sometimes these orders may be temporary or permanent, but following them to a tee […]

conversation Domestic Violence

Can You Fight a Restraining Order in Washington State?

If you believe you have been wrongfully served with a restraining order in Washington State, you do have a chance to fight this order. To effectively fight the restraining order, you’ll need expert legal counsel and carefully follow the letter of the law. Can You Fight a Restraining Order in Washington State? Before a judge […]

Damages from false domestic violence claims Domestic Violence

Collateral Damage from False Accusations of Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence is rightly decried as abhorrent behavior and it is universally accepted that perpetrators of spousal and other domestic abuse should be punished to the full extent of the law. But heavy-handed laws, overzealous social workers and even well-meaning friends of alleged victims of abuse can create an environment where it is all too […]

stop hand Domestic Violence

How To Get A Restraining Order In Washington State

If you’re being abused, harassed, stalked or going through a divorce, you may be considering filing a restraining order. If you feel that you’re in danger, a restraining order, which can also be known as a protection order, can be issued quickly in Washington State with the help of an attorney.

happy family Domestic Violence

What Is Unlawful Imprisonment In Domestic Violence Cases?

In domestic violence cases, false imprisonment is when the alleged abuser physically detains their victim either by using physical force or threatening violence against them if they left their home or current location. The legal definition of false imprisonment is the unlawful restraint of another unwilling person without legal justification [1]. False imprisonment is a […]

sad woman Domestic Violence

When Does ‘Assault’ Become ‘Domestic Violence’ In Washington State?

When a victim is assaulted, the crime can become a domestic violence charge depending on who the victim’s attacker was. If the relationship between the attacker and the victim is romantic, household members or they’re related by blood, the charge would be classified as domestic violence. What Is Considered Domestic Violence In Washington State? In […]

marriage trouble Domestic Violence

Protection from Domestic Violence: The Attorney’s Role

Victims of domestic violence have been subjected to harrowing events over extended periods of time.

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