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protective order Restraining & Protective Orders

Mistakes That Can Cause You to Break a Protective Order

If you have been served a protective order, you must understand the guidelines you must adhere to. As the punishment for making a mistake and breaking a protective order can often be more severe than what you were first accused of. Sometimes these orders may be temporary or permanent, but following them to a tee […]

conversation Restraining & Protective Orders

Can You Fight a Restraining Order in Washington State?

If you believe you have been wrongfully served with a restraining order in Washington State, you do have a chance to fight this order. To effectively fight the restraining order, you’ll need expert legal counsel and carefully follow the letter of the law. Can You Fight a Restraining Order in Washington State? Before a judge […]

Damages from false domestic violence claims Restraining & Protective Orders

Collateral Damage from False Accusations of Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence is rightly decried as abhorrent behavior and it is universally accepted that perpetrators of spousal and other domestic abuse should be punished to the full extent of the law. But heavy-handed laws, overzealous social workers and even well-meaning friends of alleged victims of abuse can create an environment where it is all too […]

protective order violation trial Restraining & Protective Orders

The Perils of Violating a Protective or Restraining Order

A protective order is a tool used by both criminal and civil courts to protect purported victims of domestic violence. Protective orders come in many shapes and sizes and many can have wide-ranging consequences for those that violate them. Depending on how they are applied, protective orders can become mind-bogglingly complex and put you at […]

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