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Read Our In-Depth Law Articles

lawyer at a desk Criminal Defense Law

Is A Criminal Lawyer Worth It?

If you are ever unfortunate enough to find yourself faced with criminal charges, one of the first questions you may ask is, “is hiring a criminal lawyer worth it?” According to recent data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics, an estimated 95% of all criminal cases in the United States are resolved with a plea […]

Why You Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer Criminal Defense Law

Why You Need A Criminal Defense Lawyer

Being charged with a crime such as assault, robbery or a DUI can lead to overwhelming consequences. Life after an arrest is uncertain and stressful. Criminal charges may come with severe penalties including jail time and the loss of your current and future employment prospects. If you are convicted, the charge might become a permanent […]

Gun Rights Restoration Washington House Bill 1562 News

Gun Rights Restoration: Washington House Bill 1562

If you like to stay up-to-date with gun laws, you may have heard whispers about the Washington House Bill 1562. This is a bill that took effect July 23, 2023. Governor Inslee was responsible for signing the House Bill 1562 into law in May of this year. This bill changes a lot of the details […]

What Is The Difference Between Criminal Lawyer And Criminal Defense Lawyer News

What Is The Difference Between Criminal Lawyer And Criminal Defense Lawyer?

If you’ve been reading up on legal defense, you might have noticed that the terms criminal lawyer and criminal defense lawyer are used interchangeably a lot of the time. To say that they are exactly the same isn’t quite true, though.  While “criminal lawyer” is a general term for an attorney that works on a […]

How do I know if I need a criminal attorney Uncategorized

How do I know if I need a criminal attorney?

Do I need a criminal attorney? Chances are if you are asking yourself this question, then the answer is a resounding “YES.”  Sure, people have thought they might need a criminal attorney when they in fact did not.  However, far more people have mistakenly thought that they did not need a criminal attorney when they […]

What does a criminal defense lawyer do? Uncategorized

What does a criminal defense lawyer do?

If you are like most people, television has probably given you an unrealistic idea of what a criminal defense lawyer does.  A real criminal defense lawyer’s day is not typically filled with pounding on tables, giving Oscar-winning speeches to full courtrooms, or performing miracles.   Like many jobs, a criminal defense attorney’s job is 99% unglamorous […]

law brief attorney DUI

How an Expert DUI Attorney Improves Your Chances of a Positive Outcome

If you’ve been charged with a DUI or DWI, employing an expert attorney in DUI law can mean the difference between years in jail and thousands of dollars in fine or being able to continue with your everyday life. Regardless of the level of DUI charge, working to clear your offense will affect your life […]

show license to police DUI

What is a Department of Licensing DUI hearing?

Hi, my name is Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC and I’m a local DUI attorney in Vancouver, Washington.  Today I want to clear up an issue that often confuses my clients, which is what is an Administrative DOL hearing regarding my DUI. If you’ve ever been charged with a DUI, you were likely handed […]

concealed carry firwarm Firearm Rights Restoration

Armed Self Defense Responsibilities in Washington State

The U.S. Constitution’s Second Amendment allows Americans to own firearms, but each state and situation where you use the gun has different laws governing how you can use those guns. If you use your firearm for self-defense in Washington State, two key things must be true in order to avoid criminal prosecution. Is It Legal […]

marijuana Drug Possession, Crime and Charges

Washington State: Marijuana Possession Defense Just Got More Complicated

Hi, I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC, and I am a local DUI attorney in Vancouver, WA. Today I’m going to answer a question for you that I often receive from my clients, which is, “How long will my license be suspended for my DUI?” The question has many answers, so depending on

show license to police DUI

Should I take Field Sobriety Tests?

Hi, i’m attorney Roger Priest with Vanwa Legal PLLC.   I’m a local dui attorney in Vancouver, Washington, and today i’m going to answer a question for you that i often hear from potential clients and my clients   “Do i need to take field sobriety tests?,” or “should i take field sobriety tests?”   There […]

field sobriety test DUI

Will a DUI Result in a License Suspension?

  Hi, I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC I’m a local defense attorney here in Vancouver, Washington. Today I’m going to answer a question that I often receive from my DUI clients which is “Am I going to have my license suspended for my DUI and is there any way to avoid it?” The […]

how long will my license be suspended if i get a dui DUI

How Long Will My License Be Suspended if I Get a DUI?

Hi, I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC, and I am a local DUI attorney in Vancouver, WA. Today I’m going to answer a question for you that I often receive from my clients, which is, “How long will my license be suspended for my DUI?” The question has many answers, so depending on

how can i drop domestic violence DUI

Should I Take a Breath Test When Charged With DUI?

  Hi I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC and I am a local criminal defense attorney in Vancouver Washington. Today I’m going to answer a question I often receive from potential clients who have been arrested for a dui and that is, “Should I take the breath test?” This question often comes after a […]

lawyer at a desk Criminal Defense Law

Why It’s Important to Have an Experienced Criminal Defense Lawyer on Your Side

Hi, I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC, and I am a local DUI attorney in Vancouver, WA. Today I’m going to answer a question for you that I often receive from my clients, which is, “How long will my license be suspended for my DUI?” The question has many answers, so depending on

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