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If you have been served a protective order, you must understand the guidelines you must adhere to. As the punishment for making a mistake and breaking a protective order can often be more severe than what you were first accused of. Sometimes these orders may be temporary or permanent, but following them to a tee […]
When accused of domestic violence, Washington State requires mandatory arrest when probable cause exists. This means the alleged accuser faces defending their innocence, as well as posting a hefty bail sum before being allowed to walk free pending trial. If you’re worried about posting bail in a domestic abuse case, you have a few options […]
If you believe you have been wrongfully served with a restraining order in Washington State, you do have a chance to fight this order. To effectively fight the restraining order, you’ll need expert legal counsel and carefully follow the letter of the law. Can You Fight a Restraining Order in Washington State? Before a judge […]
Motorists convicted of driving under the influence of alcohol in Washington State may face fines and jail time. For drivers who planned to pursue a commercial driver’s license (CDL) or already have one, your DUI has jeopardized your status and possibly your ability to keep that particular license. If the state revokes your CDL, your livelihood […]
Being convicted of a DUI for a second time can result in layers of penalties, including jail time, onerous fines, and losing your license for years. Throw in ignition interlock devices and other even less pleasant outcomes, and you can quickly see the need for expert legal help as quickly as you can get it. […]
Domestic violence is rightly decried as abhorrent behavior and it is universally accepted that perpetrators of spousal and other domestic abuse should be punished to the full extent of the law. But heavy-handed laws, overzealous social workers and even well-meaning friends of alleged victims of abuse can create an environment where it is all too […]
A protective order is a tool used by both criminal and civil courts to protect purported victims of domestic violence. Protective orders come in many shapes and sizes and many can have wide-ranging consequences for those that violate them. Depending on how they are applied, protective orders can become mind-bogglingly complex and put you at […]
One of the first things someone accused of DUI learns once they are entered into the legal system is that the cases can be overwhelmingly complex. If proper process isn’t followed, the penalties that someone convicted of DUI face can radically effect their lives for years to come. There is a lot of misinformation flying […]
Preparing for one’s one death can feel challenging to grabble with, but properly preparing your estate will help your loved ones navigate your passing without the added burden of determining what your wishes would have been. How and when you prepare your estate may differ based on your age.
There has been a tremendous amount of exposure recently to reprehensible behavior on the part of certain policemen. We wholeheartedly denounce this behavior is unacceptable and demand that justice be done. We also believe that these instances are abberations to the professionalism displayed by virtually all law enforcement officials. We long for the day when […]
It’s hard to watch adored parents age. But in order for you to best take care of them in life and in death, creating an estate plan will help. Some parents are not proactive about estate planning or perhaps you wonder which sibling will be the executor. It’s a good idea to talk with your […]
When someone is assaulted there are four different levels of assault charges that can be brought against the attacker in Washington State. These charges are designated as assault in the first degree, assault in the second degree, assault in the third degree and assault in the fourth degree.
Imagining your spouse dying feels terrible, but unfortunately, it’s a good idea to have a plan in case the unthinkable happens. Whether you and your partner are equal income earners or one partner is the bread-winner having a plan can help the living partner navigate an impossible time.
In the eyes of the law, people have a legal right to defend themselves if they feel their lives are in danger. In the legal world, self-defense has been designed to protect people who are attacked by someone else, unprovoked. The victim in this scenario is even allowed to use deadly force in order to […]
When creating your estate plan, you will be faced with some hard questions about how you want your property and assets distributed, as well as about your end of life care. You’ll also need to choose an executor to manage your will and estate after you pass. Here are some questions you’ll need to ask […]
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