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Hi, I’m Roger Priest and I’m a local DUI attorney with Van Wa Legal PLLC in Vancouver, Washington and today I’m going to answer a question that I often receive from potential and current DUI clients of mine: what is deferred prosecution and should I do deferred prosecution? deferred prosecution is a program in Washington […]
If your child or loved one under 18 years old has been brought up on drug possession charges, the consequences can be long-lasting and alter the course of their lives. Taking your minor’s possession charges seriously upfront can determine how the rest of their life plays out. The first step is to hire a seasoned […]
Driving Under The Influence (DUI) can be considered a misdemeanor or felony, depending on a few critical factors. In Washington State, the difference between the two varies from thousands of dollars in fines to even jail time. What Is Considered Misdemeanour DUI In Washington State? The majority of DUI cases in Washington State classify as […]
Your heart rate starts to spike as soon as your eyes spot the revolving red and blue lights in the rearview mirror. When a police officer stops you in a car or on foot, it can be a nerve-wracking experience. However, being prepared for an interaction with law enforcement ahead of time can help ensure […]
Hi I’m Roger Priest with VanWa Legal PLLC and here in Vancouver, Washington where I practice criminal defense and dui defense, today I’d like to answer a question that I often receive from clients and prospective clients. Which is, how can I drop a domestic violence no contact order? Well, in Washington it pays to […]
Drug possession is now handled differently in Washington State. Earlier this year Governor Jay Inslee signed into law declaring that drug possession was now a misdemeanor instead of a felony. This came after Washington’s Supreme Court struck down the previous drug possession law. If you are now convicted of drug possession, a top rated attorney […]
Hi, I’m Roger Priest, lead attorney at VanWa Legal PLLC in Vancouver Washington and here today I am here to answer a question that I hear a lot. “Can I get my DUI reduced?” While it is possible to get your DUI reduced, it is very fact specific depending on your particular case. I can […]
If you’ve been pulled over for driving while intoxicated, a police officer may ask you to take a Field Sobriety Test (FST). It’s important to know you have a legal right to deny participating in the test but understand what that means for the next steps in your case before you do. What Is A […]
In the state of Washington, it’s illegal to operate a boat or paddlecraft while under the influence of alcohol or marijuana. Boating under the influence is a gross misdemeanor and can result in fines or jail time. If you have been charged with boating under the influence, it is recommended that you retain an attorney […]
If you’re facing criminal conviction or have already been convicted of criminal offenses, the sooner you start to think about bettering your life, the sooner you’ll be able to get back on track. If you’ve been convicted, enlisting an expungement lawyer can help you overcome obstacles you’d face from obtaining your dream job or moving […]
If you’ve been charged with a felony drug offense, you should enlist the help of an experienced attorney right away to help minimize the damage. Depending on the type of drug, the amount of drugs in your possession, and your alleged intent, your lawyer will have different routes to help protect you. If the court […]
If you were in what started as a verbal fight but then break something owned by someone else or you co-owned, you may be charged with Malicious Mischief. While this is a lesser charge than physically hitting someone else, the charge still holds grave consequences that you’ll need an experienced domestic violence defense attorney to […]
Court cases can take a long time. Even if you are involved in a simple legal case, the sheer time for case resolution can be demanding for all participants. If you happen to be a defendant, the prosecuting attorneys can and will use every tool at their disposal to ensure the best outcome for them. […]
With suitable legal representation, it’s possible to regain your firearms license without appearing in front of a court. Many value firearms possession as a critical second amendment right. However, depending on what led to revoking your firearms license, you may face some roadblocks. What Are Some Roadblocks To Restoring My Firearms License? If a court […]
In Washington State, a deferred prosecution, as laid out in 10.05 RCW, allows someone accused of a crime, such as a DUI, to cite diseases such as alcoholism, drug addiction, or mental health issues and seek medical treatment and avoid harsh prosecution. What Is Deferred DUI Prosecution? Deferred DUI prosecution allows those suffering from alcoholism, […]
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